Is it a Happy New Year?

This isn’t your standard ‘Happy New Year‘ post, I’m sure you’ve had enough of those and received more New Year wishes than you can handle. This is more like a ‘how we’re feeling‘ post. Perhaps you should take on the role of our therapist and imagine us reclining together on an outrageously comfortable leather sofa in your professional, yet homely, office.

If you are ready with your notebook and pen we are completely relaxed and ready to reveal all of our deepest darkest thoughts.

Looking forward: Looking back

New Year is all about reflecting on the old year and looking forward with excitement to the New one with limitless possibilities and options. It’s not really been like that this time has it? Most of the New Year blog posts and comments we’ve read have dismissed 2020 as the ‘Year from Hell‘ and been pleased to see the back of it.

It’s so easy to be negative at the moment about everything but we strive to make the most of each day and be optimistic. Life is there to be lived isn’t it? Not wished away and filled with regret.

Our attitude is completely different. Yes all of our plans were blown apart and we were forced to change how we lived and where we lived but it was all part of life’s big adventure as far as we were concerned. We were lucky enough to have so many new experiences in 2020 that perhaps we wouldn’t have previously planned. Our race back from Tenerife, many months in sleepy Devon, fabulous Hove housesit, incredible Bridges of London walk, road trip of Shropshire and Staffordshire, return to Aldeburgh, and Canterbury Christmas were just a few highlights. All socially-distanced of course.

Future of our blog

We have absolutely loved writing our blog over the past 5 or 6 years and have met and kept in touch with so many wonderful people through it’s posts and comments. Recently however it has become more difficult to keep publishing posts as life has slowed down considerably due to Covid restrictions and we find ourselves like so many others spending the majority of our time inside.

It would be easy to stop blogging now and just call a halt to JWalking but we are determined not to let the damned Covid make our decisions for us. We have decided that we will continue and make our own decisions based on what we actually want to do. Besides, the blog isn’t just for you, it’s for us as well! It is our online diary of what we’ve been through since we quit our old lives all those years ago.

So we’ll be carrying on for a while at least …………. or perhaps forever.

Life, the Universe and Everything

The biggest impact of the pandemic for us is that we are being forced to consider our travelling and housesitting future. With housesits being cancelled and no new ones being advertised on top of travel restrictions our whole nomadic lifestyle has ground to a bit of a halt. As I’ve already mentioned we are determined not to let Covid make these decisions for us so we will continue with our trusty backpacks until such time as we feel it’s time. Could be this summer.

Who doesn’t love an inspirational quote?

So how are we feeling?

Frustrated and disappointed that we can’t plan our own lives but that’s nothing compared to what a lot of people are going through so we are also very thankful that we both continue to be fit and healthy. Oh and happy of course. Whatever the world throws at us we strive to see the bright side and look forward, enjoying each day.

So Yes, it is a happy New Year.



  1. I am also not applying to any house sits yet, yet.
    There are very few being advertised anyway, and I wouldn’t be surprised if many of those will fall through last minute.

    If the infection rate will decline dramatically again in summer, as it did last year, maybe I’ll look for something in summer. If not, maybe for next winter.

    But I am also fully prepared for new complications and mutations to pop up.

    In the meantime, I am staying with my father and filling the blog with old stories. (Good that I was always so behind with writing.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, we do try and see the best in every situation. The blogging will continue as we both still enjoy it so much. Hope you guys are keeping safe?


  2. Happy New Year to you both. We look forward to one day when you can visit us in Australia again or we can visit you in the UK. Keep well and look after yourselves xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • We always try and stay upbeat as there’s nothing to be gained in being negative is there? Let’s hope 2021 is better for everyone though and sees a bit of a return to normality.


  3. Love your posts! We all need to stay positive as things will not change just because we rolled over into a new year! Hopefully as the months go on we will be able to start doing what we want to without so many restrictions. All the best in 2021!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well I hope you keep on blogging
    As you say it’s as much for you and anyone else
    I thought I had missed some posts because you’ve been off the radar
    Glad to see you back 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My heart goes out to all of you in the UK. We heard the news tonight, almost 1 person in 30 in London now with Covid. It must be so hard for you two without having your own set of walls to shelter between. But you seem to be holding it together. Keep safe, and keep smiling. Remember – this too shall pass.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It has proved a bit of a challenge but we’re doing ok in our Airbnb accommodation. Having to move on next week unfortunately to another place but that’s all part of the experience. We’re forever upbeat so no problems.


  6. As always Jon and Jo, your positive attitude is so uplifting and inspiring. I for one, hope you don’t stop blogging, but during these difficult times, it’s understandable if you do! The last part of 2020 didn’t end well for us (immediate family health wise) and 2021 has kicked off even worse. Like yourselves though, we are trying to remain positive, which I think is the best approach to have as we have much to be grateful for otherwise. Wishing you and Jo a safer and hopefully a COVID free New Year and the very best of luck with your future plans x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Liz, really appreciate all of your continued support. Sorry to hear that you had a difficult end to the year, hope it was nothing too serious?. You really do need to be positive currently , the alternative is just too depressing to consider. We’re keeping safe and very well and waking up each morning together which is the most important thing. Look after yourself.


  7. I think optimism has somewhat gone out of the window. With yet another lockdown, misinformation and u-turns , as a teacher I’m frustrated with all the nonsense we are having to deal with on top of covid and the strain it’s putting on us. I guess we have to keep our chins (and I seem to have grown several over the Xmas break) up, and smile sweetly as we go about our business. Roll on the summer when we get some sun, some freedom and I hope, a lot more freedom than we have now. Here’s to a joyful 2021!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy (belated again!) new year. Blog away my friends but please don’t feel pressured to blog just to keep your adoring readers happy. If you’ve gone nowhere and done nothing then why worry about it?

    I’ve actually had worse years than 2020 and I’m with you when you say that there are many out there who have had it far worse than you and I put together. Sure, life has been turned a bit upside down but as you point out you still managed to have adventures along the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ll keep blogging as long as we enjoy it and you’re right about 2020 not being the worst year personally. Tough for many but lets look forward to better times this year.


  9. A lovely positive post! Thank you for that because I’m having a bit of a struggle with the positivity at the moment! I’m glad you will continue to blog, it’s your space and you can fill it as you wish. And who knows what is around the corner? I think that’s one thing the past year has taught me! Happy New Year to you and you are encouraging me to face whatever comes next with a positive attitude and a smile on my face! All the best to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Such difficult times for so many people at the moment, all you see is bad news and negative views isn’t it? There is always a positive side to everything and we strive to see that every single day. Keep smiling.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Happy New Year Jonno! I hope it does end up being a good’un!

    I have liked following your adventures this year, even if they did change from what you initially planned. It seems like you both made the best of a rubbish situation, and got plenty of exploring in anyway! I hope that will continue into 2021 until we all have vaccines!

    Liked by 2 people

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