Seven Years on the Road

Gradually and very gently our time on the road is drawing to a close. I was looking for a suitable description but have found it very tough to discover the right words. It may not be a permanent end to our travelling life rather a hiatus as we undertake another challenge, but it is nonetheless very difficult to put into words.

Back in May 2015 we decided to change our lives and just head off irresponsibly into the sunset for a little adventure. We sold our house and car, gave away all of our belongings, quit our jobs, and wandered off. An initial short-term plan to travel to the other side of the world but nothing after that. Part of the excitement was that we never had more than 6 months of our lives planned, we would just roll with it and see where fate lead us. But you know all of this if you have followed us.

Neither of us had any idea of how long we would continue before setting down roots again. This certainly provided an edge and a degree of uncertainty but we surprisingly relished that and came to enjoy not knowing what would happen.

We tried to say YES to every opportunity and every single offer and that has led us to some incredible places and more importantly to get to know some fabulous people.

It has been 2495 days since we pulled on our backpacks and headed off hand in hand to who knows where. Who could have guessed that we would be on the road for nearly 7 YEARS? We would have laughed at the very suggestion back then.

I’m not going to go on about where we’ve been or how many beds we’ve slept in, that may come later obviously, as every step of our long journey is documented right here in our blog. Thanks goodness we started the JWalking blog as we would definitely have forgotten a lot of the people, places, and dates. It has been wonderful to write and is such a valuable record for both of us to look back on.

This may sound like a ‘Thanks for everything and goodbye‘ type of post but it really isn’t. We have found somewhere to settle down and it feels like the right time to put down some roots again start this next stage of our lives. Perhaps it should be called JLife? Probably not.

So permanent wandering and travelling is stopping but those backpacks will only be under the bed and our itchy feet will soon drive us on somewhere new. We aren’t going anywhere, the blog is staying for the time being, and you won’t get rid of us that easily.


  1. Congratulations on 7 years. My wife and I did exact same thing in 2013, lasted almost 3 years, settled in Carlsbad CA. Still took month plus trips to Spain/France and Thailand before the Pandemic. Taking a month trip to Ireland/ Amsterdam in June. So yes Travel can go on, but the freedom of “ Where to next?” Is sometimes missed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds like you had a wonderful adventure and have some great trips planned. We’re looking forward to this next stage so much and will just have to wait and see what the future holds.


  2. It’s been great following your travels and been lovely to catch up with you both on the occasions that it was possible. I can remember visiting you at Barming just before it all started.

    We wish you all the best setting up your now home and making new memories. Look forward to coming to see you.

    Much love to you all, Trevor and the gang x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Trevor. It’s been an amazing experience and we are so pleased that you have all been with us every step of the way. Looking forward to the new challenge and you are definitely invited once we have a bed to offer!!


  3. So whilst one door is pulled too just a bit, but certainly not locked, another opens. This time with a set of keys in your pockets. Sounds so exciting. Andrew and I are wishing you both all the best, I am sure that all the skills you have both acquired over the last 7 years are going to come in very useful. Keep in touch, Sarah&Andrew

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Sarah. Hopefully we are well equipped to handle whatever is thrown at us now but it’s quite exciting moving forward to a new place. Hope you guys are keeping safe and well?


  4. Our plan was for 7 years. We only made it to 2 1/2. Its wonderful to follow your travels, but now im really excited to see just where you’re about put down your roots. Settling in will be a new adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How exciting! Congratulations on finding your new home. I suspect you’ll have plenty of places to explore and lots of walking to do in your new area and I look forward to hearing all about it. Best wishes on this next step in your adventures.

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  6. Sounds like it is the end of an era…and the start of a new one. Having a place to call home is not the end of the adventure, but just a different adventure. Brian and I have a home, although we travel extensively, for many months at a time. We just returned from almost 3 months in Brazil and we are already planning the next trip.
    I am looking forward to finding out where you have decided to call home.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so right about it not being the end of adventures, sounds like you’ve got the balance right. Brazil must’ve been amazing. Few challenges ahead but we’re excited to be doing something new.


  7. It’s the end of an era, but the start of a new one! Your adventures and travels have kept me well entertained Jon. I shall miss reading about where you were and what you were getting up to next!! However, I am sure you will be making plenty more new adventures and stories with your next project. Just want to wish you both good luck and all the best for your new life and to thank you once again for sharing your travels and life on the road. Take care both x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for all your support Liz, really enjoyed connecting over the past few years. We’re gonna keep the blog going for a while as we don’t plan to vegetate in our slippers yet.


  8. What a wonderful 7 years they have been too Jonno, it’s been so good following along on your ‘journey’. Well done to you both for sharing things with us as you went. I am looking forward to hearing more about your ‘settling down’ plans. Congrats on doing what others only wish they’d done!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 7 years mate! Can’t believe it’s been that long since we turned up at KP together. It’s been a decent journey to say the least. Can’t really complain about the adventures you’ve had and the places you’ve seen. New beginnings and all that.

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  10. Jonno! I am sorry, I didn’t visit you for a while so I didn’t know you had settled down! I am really happy for you both that you have found somewhere to relax …although I am sure you’ll still be walking lots and exploring the area.

    7 years wandering is really impressive, so I am sure you’ll have plenty of stories to share! 🙂


    • Don’t worry Josy. It’s been an exciting time finding somewhere and moving in and we’re seriously enjoying building a new home after being nomads for so long.

      Liked by 1 person

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